We here at SevereWXWarn have been working hard over the past few months to bring our users the best and most reliable weather website and applications.  We have had tons of success with our website and we are currently on course to have 1.2 million unique visitors in 2015 making this our best year to date.  We have also had a great deal of success in the Android App store as we have seen over 30,000 app downloads with 40 total applications in the store.  We are now serving around 5,000 daily users and have had as many as 150,000 daily users during large severe weather outbreaks.  We started working with the development team at Apple a few days ago and have gone through the review process and we will now begin releasing our applications starting tomorrow.  We will start out with our most popular applications first and plan to release one application per day and have plans for around 50 total applications to be in both the Android and Apple app stores by the end of the year.  We will alert you as these releases happen.  Tomorrow our first release will be our Tornado Tracker Weather Radar application.  Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to bringing you great forecasts, websites and applications.  Be sure to like us on Facebook to stay up to date on everything going on here at SevereWXWarn.


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