As of 5 a.m. this morning Florence is a Tropical Storm moving west at 7 mph. A turn toward the northwest is expected over the weekend. Current winds in Florence are 65 mph. Florence is expected to regain hurricane status over the weekend and will likely become a major hurricane as we move into early next week. This system is still almost a week away from a potential impact on the US if it decides to take this course. Now would be a good time to prepare just Incase this storm does impact the US late next week.

The models are still not quite in agreement on the track past the 3-5 day range, though we should have a good idea by Sunday on the expected impacts of this storm. The US models are showing the storm looping just off the coast while the Euro modes are showing an impact in the US. Regardless it will be better to be prepared. We will continually provide updates on this storm throughout the weekend and into next week. Be sure to download our Hurricane tracker available on Android, Apple and Web.
Atlantic Hurricane Tracker
Atlantic Hurricane Tracker is am interactive mapping application for tracking hurricanes, tropical storms and tropical depressions in the Atlantic ocean. All data comes from the NHC, NOAA and NWS. Listed below are the featured layers of this application. -Global Cloud Cover -Hurricane Tracks -NHC…