With the newest climate models the winter this year is shaping up to be a cold and wet one for the Carolinas as well as much of the Southeastern US. December you can expect a colder and wetter month than average. The average temperature for December in the Carolina’s is around 42 degrees, which means that the Carolina’s could likely see the first snow in the month of December. Moving into 2016 and the month of January you can expect somewhat average temperatures though the wet winter trend should continue into the month of January. The average temperature in January for the Carolina’s is around 39 degrees, so snow chances could be likely in January as well with the chances of precipitation being above normal. Moving into February you can expect it to be a little drier, though the temperatures will be below average, so the temperatures will have to match up just right to to see snow during this month. With that being said we are predicting a wet and cold winter in comparison to past winters. Below are our predictions for snowfall. Remember this forecast is subject to change and this is our opinion based on the current models. This should not be used as a deciding factor. Check your local short term forecast for a more reliable prediction.
Days with snow: 4-7 days.
Amount of snow: 7-10 inches total